An example and working ground for a granular synthesis system in SuperCollider with GUI for a fullHD touch-screen surface. There’s some things not yet working here (loading files from GUI for example), but it’s a milestone for one.
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// // granular synthesis // // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // main core stuff // load buffers p = "/home/random/SAMPLES/ironmaiden/RENAMED/gentleandbass.wav"; b = Buffer.readChannel(s,p, channels:1); // SynthDef granulator ( SynthDef(\Granny, { arg bufnum, freq = 10, fvar = 1, dur = 0.1, durvar = 0, pos = 0, posvar = 0, pitch = 1, pitchvar = 0, width = 0.2, gain = 0.5, lpfFreq = 400 ; var signal; signal = numChannels: 2, // we want stereo! trigger: + (freq * (fvar *, // a UGen? dur: dur + (durvar *, // in seconds sndbuf: bufnum, rate: pitch + (pitchvar *, // pitch !! WHAT IS THE SPEED OF VARIATIONS? setable?? pos: pos + (posvar *, // position 0-1 interp: 2, // interpolation for pitchshifting pan:, width), // if numChannels=2, similar to Pan2, -1 left, +1 right // envbunum: -1, // the buffer number cont. grain envelope maxGrains: 512, mul: gain, add: 0 ); signal = in: signal, freq: lpfFreq);, signal); }).send(s) ) // TESTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // execute these one line at the time to test // if seting parameters through arguments work x = Synth(\Granny, [\bufnum, b]); // construct the object / create a synth // parameters: x.set(\freq, 200); x.set(\fvar, 0); x.set(\dur, 0.3); x.set(\durvar, 0.1); x.set(\pos, 0.9); x.set(\posvar, 0.01); x.set(\pitch, 1); x.set(\pitchvar, 0.01); x.set(\width, 0.6); x.set(\gain, 0.2); x.set(\lpfFreq, 1000); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // GUI time ( // general color palette QtGUI.palette = QPalette.dark; // main window (for now) ~gwin = "Granulators", Rect( left:20, top:20, width: 1000, height: 400 )); ~gwin.background = Color.gray(0.3,1); ~gwin.layout = HLayout( VLayout( StaticText().string_("GRANULATOR"), Button() .states_([ ["OFF", Color.gray(0.2), Color.gray(0.8)], ["ON", Color.gray(0.8), Color.grey(0.2)] ]) .mouseDownAction_({ arg state; state.value.postln; if (state.value == 0) { ~granSynth = Synth(\Granny, [\bufnum, b]); } {; } }) .minHeight_(70) .minWidth_(70), nil ), VLayout( PopUpMenu().items_(["buffer1","file2","file3"]).font_(Font("Sans",20)), StaticText().string_("Filter vs. Position"), Slider2D() .x_(0.05) .y_(0.05) .action_({ arg slider; ~granSynth.set(\pos, slider.x); ~granSynth.set(\lpfFreq, slider.y.value.linexp(0,1,30,20000,nil))}), StaticText().string_("Position variation"), Slider(nil,Rect(0,0,50,10)) .minHeight_(20) .thumbSize_(50) .action_({ arg posvar; posvar = posvar.value; ~granSynth.set(\posvar, posvar.value); }) ), VLayout( StaticText().string_("Frequency of grains"), HLayout( Slider(nil,Rect(0,0,2,1)).minHeight_(50).thumbSize_(50) .action_({ arg freq; freq = ((freq.value * 200) + 1).asInt; ~granSynth.set(\freq, freq.value); freq.value.postln; ~nbf.value_(freq)}), VLayout(nil, ~nbf = NumberBox(nil,Rect(0,0,1,1)) .font_(Font("Sans",20)) .maxWidth_(50) .minHeight_(30); ) ), HLayout( StaticText().string_("variation"), Slider(nil,Rect(0,0,2,1)).thumbSize_(50) .action_({ arg fvar; fvar = fvar.value * 2; ~granSynth.set(\fvar, fvar.value); }) ), nil, StaticText().string_("Duration of grains"), HLayout( Slider(nil,Rect(0,0,2,1)).minHeight_(50).thumbSize_(50) .action_({ arg dur; dur = dur.value; ~granSynth.set(\dur, dur.value); ~nbd.value_((dur.value * 100).asInt); }), VLayout(nil, ~nbd = NumberBox(nil,Rect(0,0,1,1)) .font_(Font("Sans", 20)) .maxWidth_(50) .minHeight_(30);) ), HLayout(StaticText().string_("variation"), Slider(nil,Rect(0,0,2,1)).thumbSize_(50) .action_({ arg durvar; durvar = durvar.value * 2; ~granSynth.set(\durvar, durvar.value); }) ), nil, StaticText().string_("Pitch"), HLayout( Slider(nil,Rect(0,0,2,1)).minHeight_(20).thumbSize_(50) .action_({ arg pitch; pitch = pitch.value * 2; ~granSynth.set(\pitch, pitch.value); ~nbp.value_(pitch.value); }), VLayout(nil, ~nbp = NumberBox() .font_(Font("Sans", 20)) .maxWidth_(50) .minHeight_(30);) ), HLayout(StaticText().string_("variation"), Slider(nil,Rect(0,0,2,1)).thumbSize_(50) .action_({ arg pitchvar; pitchvar = pitchvar.value; ~granSynth.set(\pitchvar, pitchvar.value); }) ), nil, StaticText().string_("Width (Stereo)"), HLayout( Slider(nil,Rect(0,0,2,1)).minHeight_(20).thumbSize_(50).maxHeight_(20) .action_({ arg width; width = width.value; ~granSynth.set(\width, width.value); ~nbw.value_(width.value); }), VLayout(nil, ~nbw = NumberBox() .font_(Font("Sans", 12)) .maxWidth_(50).maxHeight_(20) .minHeight_(20);) ) ), VLayout( StaticText().string_("Gain") .align_(\center), Slider(nil, Rect(0,0,1,2)) .minWidth_(50) .thumbSize_(50) .action_({ arg gain; ~granSynth.set(\gain, gain.value.linexp(0,1,0.01,10,nil)-0.01 * 0.05)}) .valueAction_(0) ; ) ); ~gwin.front; ~gwin.onClose_({; }) ) |