Installing SuperCollider on Linux in 2019

These are short notes on installing SuperCollider from source on a debian-based Linux distro … in 2019.

Download sources

Download source from an official release from github: – grab the one.

un-tar-bzip it with:

Prepare system for compilation

Install all dependencies for your system by following instructions on how to build SC from source on Linux here: (the most tricky is QT version – for recent versions of distros the QT version is high enough to install through apt):

Check if QT in your distro’s repos is high enough for SC (5.7 or later!):

if so, install the QT dev packages:

I’m using checkinstall to create a deb package, so, install that as well:


Go to the folder with source, create a build folder, and cd to it:

Configure make (cmake)

Start compilation (lotsa warnings but if you don’t end up with ‘Build failed’, then build was successful):

Now create a deb with checkinstall:


Install the final deb:
