Kataman, Kino Šiška in MoTA predstavljajo: WILLIAM BASINSKI (US), Luka Prinčič (SI) Premierni nastop kultnega ameriškega ustvarjalca magičnih, melanholičnih, prelivajočih zvočnih zank … Sreda, 21.maj 2014 ob 21h @ Kino Šiška Vstopnina: 8€ /10€ WILLIAM BASINSKI (US) William Basinski je kulten ameriški skladatelj sodobne elektronske glasbe, ki je s svojo serijo ‘Disintegration Loops’ ključno zaznamoval […]
/w Karmakoma fb.com/events/703263096383408/
https://www.facebook.com/mladifestsezana/ http://www.mladifest.org/
facebook.com/events/527308504063341/ songkick.com/festivals/1131008-24h-party-people hrupmag.com/novice-specialka/24h-party-people.html ČASovnica: 10. 11., 23:00 – vrata 00:00 ►ABOP 01:00 ►Kleemar 02:00 ►Your Gay Thoughts 03:00 ►Wanda & Nova deViator 04:00 ►Blaž. 05:00 ►Some1Else 06:00 ►Loutseau 07:00 ►The KOJN 08:00 ►Dandelion Children 09:00 ►Inhibis 10:00 ►The Canyon Observer 11:00 ►Omega Sun 12:00 ►Atila Boštjančič 13:00 ►Litostrojska Darkbluz Experyment 14:00 ►oOo 15:00 ►12 16:00 […]
WARM-UP: Lifecutter Music-dance performance ARP 339 is a sonogram of cyberfuturistic potentiality. Instead of being caught in a concert format, though reminiscent of it, ARP 339 springs from all directions at once. The performance is an attempt at constructing a utopian world that explores the decomposition of spatial limitations of the three-dimensional reality, introducing into […]
WARM-UP: Nina Hudej & NinaBelle Music-dance performance ARP 339 is a sonogram of cyberfuturistic potentiality. Instead of being caught in a concert format, though reminiscent of it, ARP 339 springs from all directions at once. The performance is an attempt at constructing a utopian world that explores the decomposition of spatial limitations of the three-dimensional […]
Wanda & Nova deViator presenting material from their latest album ARP 339.
Wanda & Nova deViator presenting material from their latest album ARP 339.
Wanda & Nova deViator presenting material from their latest album ARP 339.