WARM-UP: Lifecutter Music-dance performance ARP 339 is a sonogram of cyberfuturistic potentiality. Instead of being caught in a concert format, though reminiscent of it, ARP 339 springs from all directions at once. The performance is an attempt at constructing a utopian world that explores the decomposition of spatial limitations of the three-dimensional reality, introducing into […]
WARM-UP: Nina Hudej & NinaBelle Music-dance performance ARP 339 is a sonogram of cyberfuturistic potentiality. Instead of being caught in a concert format, though reminiscent of it, ARP 339 springs from all directions at once. The performance is an attempt at constructing a utopian world that explores the decomposition of spatial limitations of the three-dimensional […]
Wanda & Nova deViator presenting material from their latest album ARP 339.
Wanda & Nova deViator DJ set @ DubLab, Channel Zero, Ljubljana
Wanda & Nova deViator presenting material from their latest album ARP 339.
Wanda & Nova deViator presenting material from their latest album ARP 339.
Bass Ment Excursion by Nova Deviator on Mixcloud
facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1365543796795649/ http://deviator.si/ ——————————————– Vstopnina/Entry: 3 < 00:00 > 5 Eur ——————————————– http://www.klubmonokel.com/ ——————————————– ŠKUC LL ŠKUC ——————————————– ŠKUC obvešča: Klub Monokel predstavlja varen prostor, ki ga sooblikujemo vsi, namenjen GLBTQ skupnosti, kjer je prepovedano vsakršno verbalno ali fizično nasilje. Prav tako se ne tolerira homofobije, seksizma, nacionalizma, rasizma in drugih oblik zatiranj. Vse […]