In his new creation Staging a Play: The Glass Menagerie, Matija Ferlin continues to mine the interzone between the abstracted dancing body and the conventions of the theatrical. Ferlin and his group of four dancers navigate a near impossible task where the theatre is reinvented anew through the potential of the body versus text. Space […]
In his new creation Staging a Play: The Glass Menagerie, Matija Ferlin continues to mine the interzone between the abstracted dancing body and the conventions of the theatrical. Ferlin and his group of four dancers navigate a near impossible task where the theatre is reinvented anew through the potential of the body versus text. Space […]
In his new creation Staging a Play: The Glass Menagerie, Matija Ferlin continues to mine the interzone between the abstracted dancing body and the conventions of the theatrical. Ferlin and his group of four dancers navigate a near impossible task where the theatre is reinvented anew through the potential of the body versus text. Space […]
facebook event: ——————————————– Vstopnina/Entry: 3 < 00:00 > 5 Eur ——————————————– ——————————————– ŠKUC LL ŠKUC ——————————————– ŠKUC obvešča: Klub Monokel predstavlja varen prostor, ki ga sooblikujemo vsi, namenjen GLBTQ skupnosti, kjer je prepovedano vsakršno verbalno ali fizično nasilje. Prav tako se ne tolerira homofobije, seksizma, nacionalizma, rasizma in drugih oblik zatiranj. Vse […]
In his new creation Staging a Play: The Glass Menagerie, Matija Ferlin continues to mine the interzone between the abstracted dancing body and the conventions of the theatrical. Ferlin and his group of four dancers navigate a near impossible task where the theatre is reinvented anew through the potential of the body versus text. Space […] Sad Sam Lucky, a solo creation by the Croatian choreographer and performer Matija Ferlin is a continuation of the ongoing romantic conceptual series Sad Sam that started in January 2004 in Amsterdam when the first Sad Sam Now I am was premiered. The second solo creation Sad Sam Almost 6 was presented in January […]
In his new creation Staging a Play: The Glass Menagerie, Matija Ferlin continues to mine the interzone between the abstracted dancing body and the conventions of the theatrical. Ferlin and his group of four dancers navigate a near impossible task where the theatre is reinvented anew through the potential of the body versus text. Space […] Sad Sam Lucky, a solo creation by the Croatian choreographer and performer Matija Ferlin is a continuation of the ongoing romantic conceptual series Sad Sam that started in January 2004 in Amsterdam when the first Sad Sam Now I am was premiered. The second solo creation Sad Sam Almost 6 was presented in January […] Sad Sam Lucky, a solo creation by the Croatian choreographer and performer Matija Ferlin is a continuation of the ongoing romantic conceptual series Sad Sam that started in January 2004 in Amsterdam when the first Sad Sam Now I am was premiered. The second solo creation Sad Sam Almost 6 was presented in January […]