ilex early access

The context of release ‘ilex’ is threefold (creative and imaginative reader might find connections with three tracks featuring on the release, but there was no intent to connect them to this numerological aspect). Firstly, the fires are burning through Europe. The earth is getting indeed hotter. One can close their eyes and focus on the present.

Secondly, that present, existing and running at the time of composition and production, writing the music: the (not too unusually) hot summer on a Dalmatian island — sunny, salty, and seafull attack on the senses which force the body to stay still in the shade, avoid work, read fantasy books and cool it down in the clear fresh water from time to time. The spectre of immanent apocalypse keeps lurking in the shadow of the mind and demands time, however, it poses eternal question of human existance: why? What for? In the tiny speck of time that we exist in grand scheme of the planet or universe. We are irrelevant! We are, however, bringing the self-managing planet Gaia on the brink of destruction (RIP James Lovelock)

And thirdly: the history, in a book. Called Inside Computer Music, where authors start the indepth research of nine contemporary computer music compositions with John Chowning, his famous invention of frequency modulation synthesis and his work ‘Stria’. The book goes deep into historical context but is also quite thorough in technical details of synthesis in question (and other works). A detail from the former is interesting, namely, how early days of computer music were extremely exclusivistic since very few engineer-composers had access to rare computing power of mainframe computers. Plus, work (composition-programming) was non-realtime and tedious because of very little space for experimentation. In contrast, using nothing but laptop and headphones, plus a 4G mobile network, one can whip up FM synthesis algos on a whim in something like SuperCollider. It is thus this complex plethorda of technology, society and a dying planet that are setting the diverse colors of this release. “Can we do it?””

This release comes complete with source code for SuperCollider for each of the tracks. Both source and recordings are published under conditions of Peer Production Licence (also known as Attribution, ShareAlike and NonCapitalist licence, in some circles).

Kindly supported by patrons on Patreon and other attentive listeners who keep paying back (and forward) for peer-produced and commons-enriching cultural works. Thank you!

source code and full repository:

release page:

ilex is released under conditions of Peer Production Licence. See file LICENCE for complete legal code.

Image Snatchers 3 early access


Luka Prinčič · music, production, arrangements, mix
GlitterAid · words&vocals on Gucci guči & Neodvisne ženske Pt.1
DeeDeeVoid, Musée-Cunt · words&vocals on Neodvisne ženske Pt.1
Gospod Magdalenca · words on Neodvisne ženske Pt.1
Aaron Goldbody · keyboards on So Many Men

Samuel Aubert / OpenMastering · mastering
Tina Ivezić · design
Maruša Hren · USB booklet, printing, bookmaking

Andrej Pervanje · production assistant & promotion
Luka T. Zagoričnik · production assistant
Sabrina Železnik · promotion assistance

Liner notes

0: I’m a disco-nnected package of recordings whose origins are pluralistic and contextually wide. My main problem is that the contained tracks were recently made for a stage show, where they helped to make the performers’ bodies and their actions be understood as a commentary and critique and a source of pleasure at the same time. Without the images and live experiences of particular nuances I run the danger of being read differently as intended. I emerge from a feminist, critical, performative, queer, drag, transgressive, thought and laughter-provoking technoburlesque context.

1: I was originally written with lyrics about women who are empowered to achieve anything, who can light “their baby on fire”, invariably satisfy his needs or be by his side even when in danger or fear. But perhaps most importantly I’m all the women at the same time, they are all in me, we are one, and we share our history. I speculate: we share a common history of oppression based on our gender, and a community of all the women in me makes us stronger and less vulnerable. Performed and recorded by Chaka I was moderately popular, until Whitney pushed it higher in the charts. I now serve as a groovy accompaniment to an unstriptease – a multi-transformation on stage that comes with roller skates included.

2: I don’t wanna stay with just one man / I wanna sell for what’s around / Feels like heaven every night / Being here with someone new / A physical thrill, a beautiful smile / And wonderful muscles too / So many men, so little time! Originally I was a song about a woman’s desire for male bodies all nights all year: “instead of ‘I love you, I want you, you’re the man of my dreams’ I want the opposite. I want ‘I wake up next to this man and say, “Who are you?”’ It’s so naughty but nice and everyone’ll love it.” Two men wrote about sexual objectification of male bodies – a story is then a male fantasy instead of a female one. However I present a different twist to read the music: too many men to write music by women, so little time to create women’s sound.

3: I’m an unfinished animal, a version in process. I’m an edit, a re-rub of an ’ex-Yu schlager’, sung by Beti Jurkovič in 1963. I myself am a translated cover of the Italian original “La partita di pallone” (Vianello/Rossi). Comparing the lyrics of the original Italian version and the Yugoslav-localized version reveals subtle but important differences. Compared to the original Italian text, where the protagonist appears a victim and powerless asking “why, why”, “I have doubts”, and “If you will cheat on me, I’ll return to my mom”, the Yugoslav version takes on a much more active and emancipated tone, implying a conflict of equals with “I know, I know”, and “If you’re lying, this is the end of us.”

4: I’m an original trap track with autotuned vocals. I’m a local gansta song: ’Gucci speaks (guči)’, but I don’t sell drugs. I am written and performed in the Prekmurje dialect, the only acceptable language spoken in the area between Mura and Rába rivers in Slovenian Pannonia. I travel the world, Milano, Paris, until I come back, because at home is where the money is, where Prada, Armani, and Hugo Boss earn you (self)respect. Gucci speaks to me so I can be the leader in my province. Gucci speaks to you so you can get lost and sad. Long live Gucci, who’s the real Gucci? GlitterAid! Making sense is for the weak, lies can be sold for views and clicks, and I’m the ultimate hymn of late capitalist individualism and sadposting!

5: I’m a remake and an attempt of a subversion of an early 00’s hit by Destiny’s Child. I carry an important message by three drag queens, who call on all women to emancipate and find their own pleasure, despite the precarization of life. I usually support the excellent contemporary urban pop choreography done on the stage by the said drag queens. Despite the male voice I’m a condemnation of sexism and misogyny.



compiling SuperCollider from source on Ubuntu in 2021

Despite the fact I really want to move away from WordPress, I need to write this down here.

The other day I did a heavy update of my ‘workstation’ machine. I jump several Ubuntu releases and suprisingly most of things ended up working the way they worked before. SuperCollider was unfortunately not one of them. So I decided to recompile from source, using the latest release from SuperCollider Download page (3.12.1) and my notes for compilation on Ubuntu from 2019.

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patching youtube-dl

I have youtube-dl installed on linux as a “binary”. I’m using quotes because it’s not really binary but zipped executable. I needed to patch my youtube-dl with a patch from some user that provided it in github issues. So, here it goes.

The main installation method to install youtube-dl, according to is to

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

You end up with a single executable file in /usr/local/bin/ and that’s totally fine. Updating youtube-dl to the latest version is usually done with

sudo youtube-dl -U

But how to patch this? Contrary to usual logic it’s possible to simply unpack executalble and patch. That executable is actually a zip file. I first create a folder for hacking and extract the zip into it:

mkdir ~/.local/src/youtube-dl
unzip /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl -d ~/.local/src/youtube-dl/

I have downloaded a patch to enable some franceTV videos to be downloaded, since they changed their API, into a file ~/.local/src/youtube-dl/youtube-dl-patch.txt, so in order to patch the extractor for franceTV – I do

patch ~/.local/src/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/extractor/ < ~/.local/src/youtube-dl/youtube-dl-patch.txt

I can then run the program simply by running

cd ~/.local/src/youtube-dl/
./ --verbose

There’s a way to pack the new patched tree back into an executable zip with ‘make youtube-dl’, but I couldn’t find a way yet.

DKIM and DMARC records

This is a quick guide to setup DKIM and DMARC records on your postfix-based ubuntu email server. I followed closely a guide from Julian Kunkel and am reproducing many steps from his post here. Despite the fact that he wrote his guide because he found some typos in other guides, his guide also had some.

I’ve been doing work on already working Ubuntu server (xenial, 16.04) with working postfix which I setup using that ArsTechnica article.

In the instructions I will use the placeholder <DOMAIN> for a full qualified domain such as You have to decide about a selector to use which basically provides means to use multiple keys, I use <SELECTOR> as placeholder, in my case, it is “mail”. <EMAIL> is an email where you like to receive errors (in case of DMARC).

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Case in Favour of Isolation Tactic

Sometimes someone writes somewhere in the internets something that seems very well articulated I just want to re-blog it (oh, times where reblogging was a thing!).

the lore about why that doesn’t work is because it’s not the responsibility of the people they hurt to go and rehabilitate fascists, because they’re the last people the fascists will believe, and the first people they’ll hurt and what’s worse is that if they’re given space to communicate their ideas, it’s more likely that you’ll change than they will. It’s the same reason police departments are never reformed from the inside.

the reason why isolation is an effective tactic is because fascism always spreads by debating it. If you lower your bar to engage with fascist viewpoints to “deradicalize” them, the conversation isn’t “how can I help the marginalized people in my life” it’s “do marginalized people deserve to exist”, which is a very different conversation. and upon that, it’s not a 1v1 debate either. fascism is a spectator sport that thrives on putting down its opponents.

and I think the biggest thing is that fascism is an emotional response and not a logical one. A fascist can’t ever be defeated by enagaging with them, because even by entertaining their viewpoint and beginning a discussion, they’ve won. Their goal isn’t to prove that fascism is better, it’s to encourage an emotional response in the people that hear their arguments, which is very different from what we’re used to.

as a strategy, isolation has worked incredibly well actually. the thing is, far right communities ALWAYS implode when left alone, because when they have no strawman to defeat, they turn on each other immediately. After a while, people realize that everyone in their life has abandoned them, and the only people left are white supremacists who genuinely hate each other, and they’ll have no choice but to leave on their own volition.

(via by wgahnagl)

Installing SuperCollider on Linux in 2020

These are short notes on installing SuperCollider from source on a debian-based Linux distro … in 2020.

Download sources

Download source from an official release from github: – grab the one. Also grab corresponding SC3-plugins at

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SuperCollider in 2020

I’ve been working more and more in SuperCollider this year. What follows is a couple of things I’ve done lately and some interesting resources I came across recently.

I tried in October with #looptober, but I couldn’t find time one way or another, but there came #noisevember and this works – to a degree. It’s a commitment to make some sort of sound-noise-music recording everyday and post them to your social network (where tags work), but if it’s not everyday, it’s alright too, and if it’s a blog, that’s fine too. No hard rules here. So I managed to make number of SuperCollider patches and posted video recordings and code. Here’s the #noisevember 2020 thread on my mastodon: Each toot has a link to source code on my git. See more:,

At the end of October I played an online AV version of my Rhizosphere project/composition for an online event (but also in Tel Aviv), and the video is here: YouTube, PeerTube,

A discourse forum for SuperCollider community at is very friendly and great place. I’ve got number of questions answered from kind people there and therefore learned a lot. And there’s a community section at

Transport Layer Security EP

A braindance electronic music, with that distinctive emotional drama provided by layers of synths and glitches. At the core of these tracks stands an inspiration of exploring machinic polyrythms and how they can be used to blur the distinction of what is really inorganic, or not. Below, however, this distinction of natural organism is a false promise, a blind alley, a dead end. We – kitchen appliances, smartphones, cyborgs and humans – are all part of the same machinic phylum. Thinking of privacy, security, transparency in networked world, this EP flows its own melodies and stories, sometimes off-kilter runaway paths and poly-breakbeats, at other times dramatic pads and sustained basslines.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communications security over a computer network. Several versions of the protocol find widespread use in applications such as web browsing, email, instant messaging, and voice over IP. Websites can use TLS to secure all communications between their servers and web browsers.

supported by patrons via Patreon.
thanks to Miha, Črt, and Igor for feedback.


local data

roll over and look at the stars

The other day, it was about two months ago, I created a whole new plan with regard to my Patreon and Bandcamp subscribers. At the moment there are nine people who are supporting me via Patreon, and none yet on Bandcamp, since I didn’t yet launched that option there. But ever since the option on Bandcamp was there I wanted to review and restart the whole thing with subscriptions and patronage.

My biggest problem with this system, which in essence is ideal for me and I love it immensely, is that I am unable to stick to the plan, to regularity (there are complex reasons behind this). I opened Patreon page in January 2016 with a lot of plans, but at the core of it all was a more or less regular monthly music release. I managed to release three times in 2016 and one time 2017, two releases in 2018, and one in 2019. I have sporadically posted updates to my patrons, and all this seemed far too little for me to promote my subscription to anyone with any real confidence. All the updates and releases seem just too far apart to constitute anything I want to promote (not in a bad way) to anyone.

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remote live stream at dawn

This morning I noticed that about one hour before the sunrise the stars are already starting to fade and there is light appearing at the east. It comes as a slight dissapointment, today. Looking into this feeling I realize I’m drawn to the idea of that particular time of darkest night and the moment of very first appearance of light, and then further more the whole process, the whole phase, up until the first rays of the sun hit the surface of your face. Only once in my life I have experienced that kind of strike, when sun was rising up from behind a mountain in New Zealand – I was cycling around south island with nothing but a tent – and I just climbed out into the fresh morning and was looking and anticipating the appearance of the sun, and there it was, it shot its first ray into my eye, suddenly, like a switch. This stands in opposition to a slow blur of the dark night, slow fade of the stars, a much less sudden transition from the darkest night to something only slightly brighter that is starting to flicker at the east.

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