Current state of Processing sketch for my AV performance “Interface fractures II: Metal”
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/* * Interface fractures: METAL * copyleft */ // undecorate window public void init() { frame.removeNotify(); frame.setUndecorated(true); frame.addNotify(); super.init(); } // screen should always be 16:9, // so define height here and the rest is calculated int windowHeight = 480; // 768 / 720 / 480 / 350 // load Open Sound Contol library OSCP5 import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; OscP5 oscP5; // init int bgColorH, bgColorS, bgColorB, bgColorA = 255; // flying dots variables boolean flyOn = false; int flyDotsNum = 1000; float[] flyX = new float[flyDotsNum]; float[] flyY = new float[flyDotsNum]; PImage flyDimg1; float flySpeedXfactor = -5; float flySpeedYfactor = -5; float flyRotation = 0; float flyRotationPixAmount = 0.0; float flySize = 10; int flyStrokeW = 1; float flyStrokePix = 0; float flyTransparent = 255; float flyColorFixedGray = 255; // gray value float flyColorPix = 0; // amount of pix color influence [0-1] float flyColorH = 360, flyColorS = 0, flyColorB = 100, flyColorA = 127; // on-screen debug // PFont font; // SETUP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup() { size(windowHeight/9*16, windowHeight, P3D); // screen should be 16:9 // set location of the window // frame.setLocation(0,0); // background colour background(0); // framerate frameRate(60); // antialiasing smooth(); // start oscP5, listening for incoming messages at port 12000 oscP5 = new OscP5(this,12000); oscP5.plug(this,"ctlin","/ctlin"); // to be converted for PD OSC input // flying dots flyDimg1 = loadImage("test_image18.png"); // load the image for flying dots // generate random coordinates for starting point... for (int i = 0; i < flyDotsNum; i++) { flyX[i] = random(width); flyY[i] = random(height); } stroke(255); // color of the dots // debug onscreen fonts // font = loadFont("UbuntuMono-Regular-14.vlw"); // textFont(font); } // process renoise MIDI/OSC messages public void ctlin(int cc, int val) { // debug println("## OSC: /ctlin cc:" + cc + " value:" + val); // triggers are on controller number 0 if (cc == 0) { if (val == 0) { flyOn = false; } if (val == 1) { flyOn = true; } } if (cc == 2) { flySpeedXfactor = (val - 64); } // speed (&direction) on X axis if (cc == 3) { flySpeedYfactor = (val - 64); } // speed (&direction) on Y axis if (cc == 4) { flyRotation = radians(val * 360 / 127); } // hard rotation of each line if (cc == 12) { flyRotationPixAmount = val * 0.2; } // rotation pixel influence amount [0-1] if (cc == 5) { flySize = val * 2; } // length of line if (cc == 10) { flyStrokeW = int(val); } // stroke Weight if (cc == 13) { flyStrokePix = val; } if (cc == 6) { bgColorH = int(val * 2.8346); } // background color HUE [0 - 360] if (cc == 7) { bgColorS = int(val * 0.787); } // background color SATURATION [0-100] if (cc == 8) { bgColorB = int(val * 0.787); } // background colorBRIGHTNESS [0-100] if (cc == 9) { bgColorA = int(val) * 2; } // background ALPHA [0-254] if (cc == 14) { flyColorA = val * 2; } // transparency of lines if (cc == 15) { flyColorH = int (val * 2.8346); } // background color HUE [0 - 360] if (cc == 16) { flyColorS = int(val * 0.787); } // background color SATURATION [0-100] if (cc == 17) { flyColorB = int(val * 0.787); } // background colorBRIGHTNESS [0-100] if (cc == 18) { flyColorPix = val / 127.0; } } // main draw loop - every frame! void draw() { colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100); fill(bgColorH, bgColorS, bgColorB, bgColorA); noStroke(); rect(0, 0, width+1, height+1); // flying dots ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (flyOn == true) { for (int i = 0; i < flyDotsNum; i++) { // for each dot: // colors color flyC = flyDimg1.get(int(flyX[i]), int(flyY[i])); // get color of the pixel // get HSBA data for that pixel float flyPixH = hue(flyC); float flyPixS = saturation(flyC); float flyPixB = brightness(flyC); float flyPixA = alpha(flyC); float flyB = flyPixB / 255.0; // move brightness to 0 - 1 range // color strokeColor = color( flyColorH * flyColorPix + flyPixH * (1-flyColorPix), flyColorS * flyColorPix + flyPixS * (1-flyColorPix), flyColorB * flyColorPix + flyPixB * (1-flyColorPix), flyColorA * flyColorPix + flyPixA * (1-flyColorPix) ); // movement: speed and direction float flySpeedX = pow(flyB, 2) + 0.05; // define speed from brightness float flySpeedY = pow(flyB, 2) + 0.05; flySpeedX *= flySpeedXfactor; flySpeedY *= flySpeedYfactor; flyX[i] += flySpeedX; // movement on X axis flyY[i] += flySpeedY; float flySizeB = flySize * flyB; if (flyX[i] > width ) { // if off-screen: flyX[i] = 0; // wrap back flyY[i] = random(height); // randomize Y-axis position } else if (flyX[i] < 0) { flyX[i] = width; flyY[i] = random(height); } if (flyY[i] > height) { flyY[i] = 0; flyX[i] = random(width); } else if (flyY[i] < 0) { flyY[i] = height; flyX[i] = random(width); } //colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100); // draw in an independent coordinate system pushMatrix(); stroke(strokeColor); // stroke color&transparency strokeWeight(flyStrokeW + (flyB * flyStrokePix)); // strokeWeight(flyB*10); translate(flyX[i], flyY[i]); rotate(flyRotation + (flyB * flyRotationPixAmount)); line(-flySizeB, -flySizeB, flySizeB, flySizeB); //fill(#0000ff); //text(flyRotationInt, 0, 0); popMatrix(); } } } // end of draw() |