The VJ/DJ set will lead into pagan hybrid worlds. Each time, this journey happens in the present, and is never repeated in the exact same form, because it depends on different spaces charged with different characteristics: visual, spatial, acoustic, cultural and emotional. The communication between viewers and performers creates a unique atmosphere each time. The event is an improvisation of video, sound and rhythm.
VJ/DJ set bo peljal v poganske hibridne svetove. Ta pot se vsakič dogaja v sedanjiku in se nikdar ne ponovi v povsem enaki obliki, saj je odvisna od prostorov, ki imajo svoje razlike: vizualne, prostorske, akustične, kulturne in emocionalne. Komunikacija med gledalci in izvajalci vsakič ustvarja edinstveno atmosfero. Dogodek bo improvizacija videa, zvoka in ritma.
Ana Pečar is video and intermedia artist. She is active as an organizer of public events through which she communicates artistic and collective currents. In her video work the social commentary is much more subtle and intertwines with mythologies and composed artistic spaces and imagined symbolism.
Ana Pečar je videastka in intermedijska umetnica, ki deluje tudi kot aktivna organizatorka javnih dogodkov, skozi katere sporoča svoje umetniške in kolektivne zamisli. V avtoričinih video delih se prepletajo prefinjeni družbeni komentarji, mitologije, osebni umetniški prostor ter domišljen simbolizem.