It was a pretty crazy year. It was a hard-working one. Especially autumn was packed with reruns and new productions. Looking back personally I went through some emotional challenges, most strongly dealing with huge amounts of stress. Our work environment – small cultural organization – faced some setbacks in funding at the beginning of the year and loosing an important team member. World political climate is pretty grim, with environmental concerns more pessimist by the day. One feels pressure is on everyone to do something.
While not drinking, smoking or doing any drugs, I continue to be vegan for ethical, health and environmental reasons. I work as an artist and I hope to do so in the future. I’m a feminist, passionate supporter of free/libre software, Creative Commons and idea free cultural works. I consider myself an ally of LGBTQI+ and I support their rights as basic human rights.
Here’s (the good) stuff I did last year that I’m pretty proud of it.
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