multitouch with dual head/monitor Xorg

Having a multi-touch monitor (DELL P2314T) together with another non-multi-touch output confuses (in my case) the pointer maping – in other words, the pointer (mouse) is not where you touch the screen.

1) Make sure the touch screen is the leftmost monitor. Seems like offset-ing the pointer with xinput does not work (and something is buggy here), but scaling does. Actually that is not entirely true: offseting works with xinput, but in the case of multi-touch screen not being left-most the pointer is thrown to the rightmost pixel on X-axis the moment it’s supposed to appear on the multi-touch screen (this is true only for MT input, not for the actual mouse). If the touch-screen the leftmost, there’s no need to do offset, just proper scaling.

2) use xinput’s “Coordinate Transformation Matrix” to ‘remap’ it correctly:


and here’s a simple /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

IF3: theories on audio-visual

Been reading the last part of Deleuze’s Cinema 2 – Time-image for most of the day. In the last chapter (The components of the image) he seems to be focused very much on sound (words, sounds, music) and finally on a ‘birth of the audio-visual‘. It looks like I’m searching for certain views, perspectives, thinking about the audio-visual, about the cinematic sound and image, electronic image in the cinema, in order to find paths towards concrete actions – programming, searching for content, recording, composing… Of course, Deleuze’s writing is philosophical, deep and extremely challenging, while Michele Chion’s is somewhat chaotic and (especially compared to Deleuze) superficial. But it seems to me that what I need is to extract workable concepts that will help me in a practical way. I suppose that Chion’s concepts are still imaginative and interesting enough for that purpose.

It is quite amazing that Deleuze writes in 1985:

“When the frame or the screen functions as instrument panel, printing or computing table, the image is constantly being cut into another image, being printed through a visible mesh, sliding over other images in an ‘incessant stream of messages, and the shot itself is less like an eye than an overloaded brain endlessly absorbing information: it is the brain-information, brain-city couple which replaces that of eye-Nature. […] a brain which has a direct experience of time, anterior to all motivity of bodies […].”

IF3 Progress Report #1

With the summer-time, a working-time on my new audio-visual piece, Interface Fractures III, begun. It is now almost confirmed that the date of premiere showing at Slovenian Cinemateque (Slovenska Kinoteka) is most probably 15/september. Since the plan was that we spend some quality sun&salt time at Croatian coast I brough some machinery with me to vacation. It’s always fun to work in the summer heat!

Anyway, with this next episode in the series I want to upgrade technically a “little bit”, so I acquired a better graphic card (Nvidia GTX960) and a multi-touch screen monitor with fullHD 1080p resolution. Adding also a 120GB SSD drive I needed to reinstall operating system (UbuntuStudio 14.4.1), separately compiled drivers for Nvidia and the rest worked pretty much out of the box (after some apt-get-ing). Multi-touch is application-dependent and my idea (for many years now) is to write custom interfaces for live sound/music/noise and visual composition and improvisation.

More technicalities: I compiled Processing and SuperCollider, tried a multi-touch library in Processing (SMT) but it didn’t work. Filed an issue at their GitHub and went on with a version of SuperCollider that supports multi-touch (I was kindly pushed in the right direction by Scott Cazan, who added MT support to his own branch of SC on GitHub). After some basic testing I wrote a simple granulator with a GUI. I also tested a very basic idea of TABs-like interface. In Processing I’ve whet my appetite with an excercise that focused on off-screen rendering and blending two images together.

Processing: slice and blend screeshot


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SuperCollider GUI – tabs proof of concept

These are very newbie baby steps in the construction of a something bigger, a powerful flexible interface for a touch-screen device. Novels are being written one word at the time, right?

The following is a snippet of code that I needed to write in order to test a TABs-like behaviour in SuperCollider QT GUI system. Essentially, I was curious if it’s possible to show and hide whole windows/areas of different widgets using a tabs-like paging system – something we’re all used to now from browsers, for example.

SC GUI TABs proof of concept anim gif

Processing: slice and blend

Here’s a little sketch in Processing that does the following: loads an image, takes a horizontal and vertical 1px slice, multiplies each slice into an image off-screen, and blends the two images together and displays the original and blended one side by side. Each frame this is calculated dynamicaly, the slices are determined by the position of the mouse.

Note: the image must be in the folder where your sketch is saved and it must be in dimension of 300×300 pixels.

Processing: slice and blend screeshot

I still need to test this in a fullHD/1080p situation. I wonder if the CPU can take it at 60 frames per second. I actually suspect not. So many pixels and not on the GPU.

Granular synthesis in SC

This morning I started to work on a granular machine in SuperCollider. This is what I got so far:

Interface Fractures III: Silicon log #1

These days I started some work on a new chapter of my audio-visual series called “Interface Fractures”.

Bought a new graphic card – Nvidia-based GTX960.
Also a fullHD multitouch screen is here for exploitation in next couple of years.

SuperCollider for multitouch

Somebody (Scott Cazan) on the supercollider-users list mentioned a fork of SuperCollider with multitouch support (which will be included in main with 3.8 release). I cloned git fork from Cazan’s github, installed build dependencies, couple of twiddles, and compilation went through.


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Reid Speed: EDM vs. Underground

Music is for everyone, but the unique thing we sought to create with dance music was a dark yet vibrant space where artists and punters alike were free to create and express their souls without judgement, a place to change the discussion, not regurgitate the same old (often negative and empty) stereotypes. The experience itself was the star, the magic happened in the symbiosis between DJ or artist and the dancers who came to create their own self-expressions in response to this flow of love. Only those who were really good – DJs, producers, and promoters- MAYBE got to profit off their talents (maybe not, but profit was never the motive). Only people doing real work got what little money there was. Sure, there were sketchy raves thrown by shady promoters whose lineups didn’t deliver.No underground is without flaw. But the majority of the scene was there for the pure joy and love the music brought us. Today, many a festival has traded this authentic experience for a commodity that can be purchased, consumed, and discarded with about as much thought as a we give a plastic water bottle. And sure, most underground cultures historically have been co-opted in similar manners. But the scene we built was not a corporate cash cow for an elite business class who profited handsomely at the expense of the skilled but less-well-marketed. It was a true supply and demand culture of talent and appreciation. I firmly believe real artists deserve to make a fair living off their art.But when so much of “what sells” in EDM today is just marketing at work, and when what is being sold is often not even made by the person who collects the paycheck for maybe not even really playing the show, we have a serious disconnect at play. Do YOU really want that? Do YOU really want to see more ghost-produced button pushers winning because they have the biggest marketing budget? Or would you prefer to see authentic artists reaping the benefits of their talents? The choice is ours.”

Reid Speed Perfectly Sums Up The EDM vs. Underground Debate With One Image


“[Leroy] Smart [(DJ SS)…] got closer than anyone to achieving the kind of techgnosis that many electronic musicians aim for: to disappear completely into the music, acting merely as a spirit guide for its relentless flow of machine-sourced sound.”

— Derek Walmsley on DJ SS (The Wire 376, June 2015)

Rudi Rudi: Hardmcslain

I wrote a quick track for slovenian ‘mixtape label/community’ INN KICK run by Žiga Murko. This is in instrumental hip-hop style and is out under my instrumental hiphop oriented moniker “Rudi Rudi” under which I already wrote an album back 2006. So, if you like the track below check the album here: (I’ve been thinking to re-issue it on Kamizdat someday).

INN KICK works through a private facebook group, where producers are challenged with a sample pack (collection of samples) every month or so. There are no strict rules on style (I guess “electronic” is good enough) or the way the samples are used. After the deadline the tracks are collected from producers and mixed by a guest producer/DJ into a mixtape (it’s basicaly a seamless mix of tracks) and published online (SoundCloud). This time, the sample pack was a collection of tracks from Die Hard (movies/game).

You can check INN KICK releases here: (the mixtapes are called BLUNTS).

Backstage subscribers can listen to my contribution here:


rudi rudi: hardmcslain