visited Rob in Maribor, had long discussion about different solutions, ideas… [190522]
fruitful and constructive meeting with Kapelica team [190523]
ordered hardware (2x computer monitors, 1x computer system with Nvidia graphics)
checked the cover/cocoon for the installation at Kapelica. looks nice, black and acoustically dampened. Made plans with Jure about how to proceed [190531]
picked up two screens from Mlacom. One multi-touch screen (1920×1080) + another wide and curved screen (2560×1080). Both Dell. setup in studio, connected to already working prak system. Testing SuperCollider and Processing functionalities. [190531] That was progress.
Today I’m working on creating a Git project, currently on (I wish I would make it on my own virtual server using YUNOHOST+Gitlab CE), trying to breakdown the huge octopus with all the tentacles leading to different directions. Also it makes sense to create issues that tie in Milestones and a TODO list automatically.
Today I added an additional volume to the mailserver prefect, since it was running out of disk space for the mailboxes. I have now increased the space by adding a new ‘virtual’ block storage, mounted and some mailboxes have been moved to the new drive. This new drive can be resized as needed with the lowest cost possible. We don’t need more CPU or memory, just more disk space and this works with $0.10/GB per month. The only drawback is that these volumes cannot be automatically backed up.
I have transfered the files from /var/mail/vmail to /mnt/vmail1/vmail by using rsync like this:
Came back to Jitakami research today. It was not easy to consolidate two+ missed months, to throw away a stale plan and try to understand what is realistically possible to do in 4 weeks left for the RAGLAIN/AUTOCOM installation that will be put on on 21th June at Kapelica Gallery.
Yesterday I went through some basic introductory parts of the Machine Learning course at Coursera. Learned about unsupervised and supervised learning, classification and regression ML problems, clustering and non-clustering problems. There’s a lot left to do in the week 1 and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to finish that one till tomorrow. These deadlines can be extended as needed though.
Today starts the logging of research project called Jitakami Research 2019. Basicly it consists of three big blocks – two of them running serially, and one in parallel to the two. The research part, for which I applied to a work stipend on cultural ministry (still pending, and probably will continue to for some time) consists of study and research from now up until the summer. In parallel, the idea is to produce a perfomance/installation at BitShift program at Kapelica gallery sometime in April – currently called Raglain, and then work on the second phase (AUTOCOM) that would presumably be shown in Linz.
This is the concept and plan for working stipend that I applied:
štipendije je raziskava na področju umetniškega
pristopa k spoju glasbe in umetne inteligence.
v to raziskavo žene predvsem vprašanje kako vzpostaviti umetniško
situacijo (intermedijsko instalacijo in/ali performans), ki bi
radikalno vstopila v gledalčevo/poslušalčevo dojemanje sodobnih
tehnologij in z njimi povezanih fobij in fetišev. Za bližanje
možnim odgovorom je nujna poglobljena raziskava.
Just got a new ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6 and want to set it up for audio and media work with Linux. Using latest Ubuntu Mate (18.04.1) the installations is simple and trivial. There are two major problems but both are actually easy to solve.
I’ve decided to reinstall the GNU/Linux system on my old X220 ThinkPad and in 2018 finally move on from UbuntuStudio 14.04 (Trusty). In the process of also trying out new Lubuntu (which I didn’t like for some quite aesthetic reason and retried with Xubuntu – much better!) I also decided to finally try i3 window manager. So I wanted to quickly layout just some of the differences, that are quite subjective.
windows grouped in a container with tabs
minimalist configuration
beautiful status/widgets bar
hiding screen-edge window borders
windows are actually fully using all pixels of the screen
I keep hitting (awesomeWM) shortcut to maximize a window. There’s no maximise window in i3.
when there’s a floating window in otherwise tiled workspace, I cannot ‘hide’ that floating one
cannot switch away from fullscreen window within a workspace (to a window otherwise behind that window
There’s no minimize functionality
snap to screen-edge or other windows in floating mode
(I might update some of the points above in the next few days, as I become aware of what the muscle memory is telling me)
So I think there are number of limitations in i3wm – at least for somebody coming from AwesomeWM, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. So these above are a moving target. I’m sure they will change as I will get used to features and non-features.
Huge thanks to Adhi Pambudi for sharing his setup as i3-starterpack!
i3wm, configuration in Emacs, URxvt
update #1
In order to use xbacklight to change brightness of your screen, you need to add
into your xorg.conf.
Since by default there’s no xorg.conf on ubuntu, instead of creating one, I went this way: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ folder I created a file called intel_backlight.conf and into it put the following:
Now, to use the Fn keys for brightness (on Home/End keys), into ~/.config/i3/config you put
Today I started to work on a simple project that I hope becomes a routine almost every day. I delved into Patterns in SuperCollider again and hacked together a simple beat with 808 samples and with very little time left today added a very simple broken bassline/synth line.
Two important aspects of this little endeavor, for now: a) making *something* everyday, and b) making open source music – well libre open source code that generates music.
Making (composing) something everyday is an important practice for every artist. I’m not sure if this is gonna work for me, as I frequently start something and then abandon it, but nothing will change if one doesn’t try it. I want to play with something everyday, even if it’s a short melody line in Renoise or something new in SuperCollider, I just want to spend minimum half an hour on it. Not everything will probably be SuperCollider (although I have a fantasy to switch completely to SC and compose everything there, including heavy club tracks!), and there will be days when I’ll not manage.
So, today’s project is obviously a beginning. The full code is below, with a link to a zip with scd and samples, and also on Gitlab ( Personally it feels that this was an important little refreshing lesson to remember how to use Patterns, what Pbind does and how to put patterns running in parallel together with Ppar.
Find Stylish ‘manage styles/preferences/settings’ – in Ff’s Add-ons or Chrome’s Extensions. Click “Write a new style”, enter new name for your new style (name of your instance for example), then under “Mozilla format” click “Import”.
paste this into the wide white area (change into your instance domain):
@-moz-document domain(""){
width:calc((100%-300px)/4);/* just change this last number to number of columns
you want + compose window (drawer)*/
Click “overwrite style”. Then click “Save” in the left column. You can then edit the number of your columns as desired in this code (see the comment in the code above). Always click save and check the site in the other tab.
Luka Prinčič: a musician, sound & media artist, engineer and dj. My sound goes from broken bass to noise, drone and sonic experiments. I'm one half of Wanda & Nova deViator, I run Kamizdat label and work at Emanat institute. I'm passionate about critical art expressions, free software, social awareness, cyberpunk, and peculiarity of contemporary human condition.
Like what you hear, see, read? Making music and art takes many hours of hard work and releasing it to the commons means less income from sales. Consider a per-release patronage at Patreon, a regular anonymous donation via LiberaPay, or paying for some free music at Bandcamp. Every single ¢ counts.